Die With Zero
This book was recommended by a teammate at work. He has been watching my cancer/health journey since January of 2023 and thought this book would give me a different perspective. It did!
First it made me think about my own priorities. Fortunately my personal priorities line up pretty well with author Bill Perkins recommendations. Most days I do what will give me the most “bang for the buck” right now. Cool!
For my family and charitable endeavors, however, I would most likely do a few things different. I really like Perkins philosophy of giving to others when they can use it for the best LONG TERM benefit. (In case my kids are reading this, I am not going to make your car payment. The book was good but not that good.)
For Perkins it is all about the balance of memorable experiences and risk. Memorable experiences pay a dividend over time. The more we have when we are younger the longer we get the dividend. On the other hand, if we spend it all now and have nothing for a rainy day, the memory dividend will not put food on the table.
If I have peaked your interest, he has a formula that will help measure risk. But for that you will need to read the book.
The Road Rider