Stories Worth Sharing
My son Ross and his wife Lauren gifted me a subscription to Storyworth, a digital platform to write, collect and share life stories. I like the format: one question emailed to me every week for a year—building a collection of stories, one at a time, without boiling the ocean.
I’m calling this blog Stories Worth Sharing, as it includes journals from the Storyworth prompts along with other stories that (let’s be honest!) just don’t fit anywhere else!
If you can think of question I should answer on here, send it my way!

Scarcity—the mother of invention.
What is that?! you’re probably thinking. Well, I’ll tell you. But first you must know that I come from a long line of creative dessert makers on my mom’s side. You can judge all you want, but don’t knock it ‘til you try it.

What can I do?
While I appreciate reading other people’s posts about all the sad (USAID), scary (DOGE), and stupid (straws) stuff the current administration is doing, I wonder what I can do? I came across this small act of resistance. It’s one small step, but it gets the ball rolling.

If you’re not taking flak…
I am NOT taking any flak because I have not even been in the plane. This post should change that.

Just the News
I find AP News at the top of the pyramid for most trusted. It does not matter if one is left/right, blue/red, democrat/republican. if you want “just the facts ma’am”, AP News is the place to be.

Don’t Let the Hard Days Win
I noticed that over the last 3 days my hand writing was getting worse and worse. I realized yesterday that I had a small tremor. I knew right away what it was - pent up adrenaline.

Election Advice
At this stage of the game, there isn’t much you or I can do to impact the national election, but what we can do is prepare ourselves for what happens AFTER we get the results.

Canadian Coffee
This post is part Yelp review of the Queen Mary 2 and part Canadian Coffee Crisis. Finding a good cup of coffee has been my biggest challenge of this trip. So we tried Tim Hortons today. When in Rome...

Vegan or “Chegan”?
After a fantastic Lobster Roll in Rockland, Main we found a place to get back on track with Real fake Meat in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Between my "turkey" sandwich and Jeri's "hamburger" salad, we wondered--are we vegan or chegan? See what you think...

Just a little spicy
Day 2 of our trip ended with a dinner that was "just a little spicy", but began with a trip to Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty. The last time I was at the Statue of Liberty was 51 years ago during our family's sailing trip.

Sometimes you just have to say, “What the______”
Got to New York City at 12:40pm. Hop in an Uber and get to the hotel at 2:15pm. Leave the hotel to walk at 3:00pm. Arrive at Katz’s at 5:00pm. Eating the best pastrami sandwich ever by 5:20pm. What a trip and we are only a half day in!

A Wild Friday Night!
Jeri and I did an afternoon dance lesson and then went out on the town for our big Friday night. The primary entertainment was taking shots. HA! More like getting our 2024 COVID vaccinations!

The Devil Won’t Win - Today
Around 11am I realized it must be the devil trying to work a way into my psyche. I don’t have time for the devil so at lunch I snuck away for a bike ride. I rode for one of my teammates. Then another, and another. I have no doubt all 3 have much more faith than myself. But with an obvious God nudge and thinking of them, I have faith today. The devil may try to come back in tomorrow, but he won’t get in today.

Free Advice
Here’s a rendition of the toast I gave at Cole & Mallory’s wedding in Utah a couple weekend ago. I framed my toast around 3 pieces of advice I’ve given to each of our kids at one point or another. I hope you get something out of this!

Utah: That’s a Wrap!
Climbing is my favorite part of biking. I am really slow, but can climb a long time. At this speed I can look around and see the sights.

Everyone Wins!
Over Memorial Day weekend we took our dog Rex to the cottage. But in order to get him there, we needed to first get him in the car. Check this quick video out!

Start ‘em young
For Mother’s Day we gave our daughter a morning to sleep in. When we kidnapped Ella & Avery, we took them to be bike shop and got them full blown mountain bikes. We spent the afternoon learning how to break with no feet and how to shift.

New Road ID
I have worn a Road ID for decades. For the first 10 years it was just an ankle strap that had family contact names and phone numbers on it. This NEW Road ID comes with a medical alert highlight.

It Must Be A Sign
Traveling home Friday night from a work trip to Quebec City, I flew through Newark, NJ. My gate was C84 and there was a Starbucks right next to it. Clearly the universe wanted me to have an evening coffee!

The Best Bachelor Party. Ever.
It was a great weekend celebrating Cole’s upcoming wedding. This was for sure the best bachelor “party” I have ever been to. Sure we had a nice hotel, got to see the Hoover Dam, ate some good food, lost a little money, and had great weather. But it was this group of guys that I feel a little sad about leaving.