I Ride For: Amanda
I Ride For: Amanda
My second all trainer flag. (They are going to all be like this for a while. Ha!) And this again was a great place to do it. I can see the sand but I do not have to touch it. Fantastic!
Amanda is one of my work teammates. We are both “legacies” because her mom and my dad also worked at the same company. I have her beat by a couple years at work. She has me beat by a couple years dealing with blood cancer.
The kind of blood cancer Amanda has is too long to pronounce and I could never spell it anyway. The bottom line is, while they have it under control, so far there is no cure.
I actually built this flag before I really knew what was going on with me. And then after a ride this week I got a message from Amanda reminded me that she has done bone marrow biopsies if I want to talk about it. And she did not know I was riding for her. Amazing how God makes connections when we least expect it.
The Road (Trainer) Rider