I Ride For: Jenna
I Ride For: Jenna
No! This jersey is not about me. Chubby I am. A unicorn I am not. This is one of my favorite jerseys AND I thought referencing this magical horse fit what I know about Jenna and her cancer perfectly.
Last time I saw Jenna was just before COVID hit. We were at a “game night” where a wall flower (me) was surrounded by extroverts (everyone else) all trying to teach me to play Eucher. (See! I am such an introvert that I live in Michigan and don’t know how to play Eucher.). I played all right and all said I would be invited to the next months games. But I digress.
I was actually not invited back next month. Something about social distancing and not being allowed to gather with others outside our immediate family. (Since we now can gather and I still have not been invited back, I suspect I was not as good at Eucher as I thought.) But I digress.
Somewhere in the big mess that was 2020 Jenna found out she had cancer. I think I was told what kind but cannot remember. What I do remember is the news was really bad. I made it my goal to ride for her as soon as possible. So I drew up the flag and shipped it down to Florida for my month of riding.
Then a construction barrel jumped in front of me and broke my knee. The fact that I was looking at my phone for some good music had absolutely nothing to do with it. I swear that barrel had it out for me. (I had noticed it giving me an evil look the day before.) But I digress.
So I go to Florida thinking Jenna has months to live, get hit by a barrel, wallow in self pity for 2 months, and when I emerge her cancer has gone. I think wow, that is a pretty good trade. I give up a knee cap and Jenna’s cancer is gone. (I am sure the doctors, chemo, surgery, radiation, or whatever other treatment may have also helped.) But do I get a thank you? Does anyone give me a pity invite to the game night? Not a peep. My knee does still hurt you know when it is about to rain! (Well, I am sure it will if we ever get rain again in Michigan.) But I digress.