Super Fast Mode

Hello Monday! Clearly I am in Super Fast mode today because I did not proof the picture before I left treatment.

1st: What is with all the wrinkles? I know I am getting older, but I did not know I was this bad. On further inspection some of it is the dang glasses and the angle of the reflections. Yeah! I will use that excuse.

2nd: I wanted to show off my Route 66 shirt on this day when the high will be 9 degrees (F). I wanted to remember sweating every day for 6 days of riding across the California and Nevada deserts. While I do not mind sitting in my warm treatment recliner today, I love riding when it is hot. BUT, while you can see the Big Boy logo on my right shoulder, I cut off the Route 66 logo.

Oh well. Treatment went well. I feel good. And when I am in super fast mode I get a lot done. Just a good thing I do not get paid for my pictures on social media. (Or my spelling!)



Option B Tee


Year 3 begins.