The Road Rider

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I decided to expand my reading for entertainment into new genres. I do not knew who recommended I try Fonda Lee. I think it was a display in the bookstore for her latest book.

Of course, I could not read that one because it was not first. So I looked up all her books and got the first one - Zeroboxer - on my phone. (For some reason I could not get a Kindle version so used the Books app on my iPhone.) I like to keep a book handy on my phone when I am stuck somewhere with no internet connection and no paper book. I would not want to just sit quietly or even worse talk to a stranger. Yikes!

I must say, Zeroboxer was good. It took me a little bit to get into, but once through the first 10% I was hooked. It is for sure a sci-fi book. It is a cool mix of what outer space might be like AND we are not going to escape our problems by colonizing Mars. I definitely recommend and have Lee’s next book already loaded in my phone.

The Road Rider