I Ride For: Charmaine
I Ride For: Charmaine
Interesting set of connections on this flag. While I have never met Charmaine, I was clearly supposed to ride for her this week. Here is how I know that:
1. I got the request to do a flag for her from Chris Brewer who I met years ago when he was working for LiveSTRONG.
2. While I knew of Chris, I never really connected with him until my first RAGBRAI in 2012. It was supposed to be a 1 and done, but ended up being a 6 year quest.
3. Due to COVID, RAGBRAI was canceled. But if it had happened it would have been this week. (I said I was not going to do it again, but seeing the memories pop up has me thinking.)
4. When Chris left LiveSTRONG he did a stint at Love, Hope, Strength where they promote people getting registered to donate bone marrow.
5. Because of information from Chris 4-5 years ago and the son of a co-worker needing bone marrow, my wife suggested we do a drive at our company Christmas party 2 years ago.
6. Two weeks ago one my co-workers who got tested at that party, drove to New Jersey and donated marrow to a complete stranger.
Charmaine, I know you are fighting cancer and there have been and will be challenges. Maybe right now is one of those times. I don’t know why your flag came up in my queue this week, but it was clearly meant to be. My faith often falters, but who else could put all these pieces-you, Chris, RAGBRAI, and a bone marrow transplant-all into the same package but a higher power?
The Road Rider=
PS. I don’t know exactly how many miles I rode for you because Garmin has been down for the last 2 days, but it was well over 100. They were beautiful days here in Michigan. We get those in July and August. Ha!