I Ride For: Melina
I Ride For: Melina
Like most of the people I ride for, I have never met Melina. I know she was born in Italy, but do not know if she immigrated to Canada as a kid or as an adult. I know one of her sons, but don’t know if he got his continual drive to be better from her. I know that she has breast cancer, but I don’t know if this is her first round with this disease.
This week Jeri and I escaped to our cottage in Elk Rapids. I so which I could rip my bike off this trainer and go ride the country side up here for Melina. There are fields of sunflowers up here that are just fantastic. While they are nice to stop and look at in a car, it is way better to stop on a bike and just admire the beauty. I can only imagine what the country side in Italy looked like when Melina was a kid. I wish I could give her some of that.
Melina, while I cannot got out this year for you, with hard work, an excellent medical path, and a little divine intervention we can both be in a better place next year. And then I’ll get at least a picture for you of the sun flowers here in Elk Rapids, MI.
The Road (Trainer) Rider