I Ride For: Penny
Penny’s real name is Delores. This is not so unique. Many people go by nick names. What makes this a little more unique is Penny’s daughter’s name is Delores. Why not?
While not as often these days, many of us know men who have been named after their dads. But this is the first time I have ever experienced it with a mom and daughter. AND I worked with Delores (the daughter) for 15 years before I knew this was her real name. She goes by Tootie. Ha! Does it surprise you to know that Tootie has a fantastic sense of humor?
So when Tootie told me that her mom had cancer, I had to ride for her. While I ride for anyone I find out has cancer, how could I pass up a woman who names her kid after her. I’m just disappointed I found all this out when Tootie was retiring. I could have really had some fun calling her “Deloris the Second” for years and years!
Penny, while you and I have never met, you already know you were a great mom and raised a great daughter. Sure she is funny and she is also a constant caregiver. While we all learn stuff as we grow, these kinds of qualities we learn when we are young. It was a pleasure to ride for you for the last couple weeks. I hope your cancer journey is easier than you expect. I will continue to send positive vibes your way.
The Road Rider