I Ride For: ME! (and coffee)

Most of the time I am a “hit the problem head on” kind of person. While I am sure there are times my family wishes it differently, I rarely sweep things under the rug. And I almost never bury my head in the sand.

Today, however, I decided that I needed a few hours of burying my head in the sand. No news from Washington (I do not like to watch this stuff live anyway)—I just needed a break, so I took off on my bike.

It was good all the way around. I wore a new jersey I got from my wife for Christmas. I finished my coffee as part of my recovery. I went two hours and felt really strong. I burned off a bunch of excess energy.

Tomorrow I will be back into the mix. I will continue to find ways I can contribute. I will look for people who are ahead of me who I can support. This afternoon was fantastic. I know how lucky I am to have been given this time.

The Road Rider


I Ride For: Penny


I Ride For: Christine