What a week, already!

It is only 9:15am on Monday morning and it has already been an exciting week. Wow!

1st: Planes, Trains, and Automobiles -Jeri and I are spending extra time at our apartment in Florida this winter, but I started too late to get my treatment moved there. I flew home yesterday, but storms in Atlanta jammed up everything. I ended up driving from Detroit in a car that had to weigh less than 800 lbs (a slight exaggeration for dramatic effect). Clearly I made it but it was both hands on the wheel the entire time. (The train came in because I flew out of Orlando and took the monorail.)

2nd: I had a healthy day eating yesterday and planned on a bowl of noodles at the hotel last night. When I went down to get a bowl the Hampton Inn was picked clean. No choice but to order a pizza. Oh the sacrifices I make.

3rd: Hydration - The more hydrated one is the easier it is to get the IV started. So I drank 40oz of water in the first hour of being up. It worked great. Blood draw was super fast and one try and done with the IV start (two weeks ago it took 4 sticks). The catch - I now have to go to the bathroom every 20 minutes (again maybe a slight exaggeration) and have to drag my IV pole wherever I go.

4th: Low ANC! This is the real excitement for today. For the first time in two years both my White Blood Cells and my ANC were “critically low”. (ANC are baby white blood cells). White blood cells are what we all use to fight off infection. Unfortunately mine are low not due to infection but due to treatment. It means my body needs a rest from the medication. Since I am traveling heavily for work the next 4 weeks, they decided to let me do treatment today and not come back until the middle of March.

5th: Flight - Hopefully this will NOT be exciting. I have a 1 pm flight out this afternoon and have 2 more hours of IVIG to get in. Should be interesting. Ha!

That wraps it up for this Monday morning. I think now I will take a nap. NOT!

The Road Rider

PS Yes, this is a new to Jeff shirt just for treatment today. I picked it up at a Goodwill in Florida. Kind of disappointing don’t you think? One would think I could get a lot better shirt in Florida. 😩


I’m Back!


Option B Tee