If you’re not taking flak…

I am NOT taking any flak because I have not even been in the plane. This post should change that.

I have often told others, “My roller coaster is pretty flat. Most bad things don’t make it go down that steeply and most good things don’t make it go up that much.” In other words I am pretty boring. This is not news to anyone.

The last 13 days has put that theory to the test. My rollercoaster has bounced daily: From ‘oh shit’ to ‘oh well’. From sadness to madness. From calm to scared. From ‘just focus on me’ to ‘I must help everyone’. Through all this I have been able to stay on track for everything I need to do to stay healthy, but sleep has been elusive.

My “wake up” call came Saturday with the advent of the tariffs. The tariffs by themselves were not a surprise. While really disappointing and anticipating tremendous pain coming, I know we will find a new level of equilibrium in the long run. NOT everyone will be ok, but most will find a path through.

So it was not really the tariffs, but my opinion on who Trump is going to negotiate with to get rid of them. Most have said he is going to use them to negotiate with Mexico and Canada. That would be fine if there is something to negotiate on. He says “people and drugs,” but there is no way to measure success or failure. I read also that the tariffs are part of his tax plan - pay for the tax cuts with tariff money. I hope any of these are the real reasons for the tariffs.

With the actions taken in the last 13 days, I now believe Trump’s real intention is to negotiate and destroy the separation of powers within the USA. I believe he will come out with “You give me A, B, and C (dictator powers) and I will reduce the tariffs.” We cannot let this happen.

I do not know what I am going to do yet. The issue is so huge I cannot even figure out how to take a bite. But I do know that no one gets to sit on the fence. I have never been on the fence, but few people know that. Now at the very least, you know where in stand.

If you would like the send up some flak, bring it on.



What can I do?


Just the News