Just the News

I found something small to do!

I have been a fan of @apnews for a number of years now. I like it because they only update a story when there is new information. So when I look at it in the morning, I don’t have to read the same story as yesterday UNLESS something has changed.

Now, with most of the other news outlets owned or sponsored by biased individuals or organizations, I find AP News at the top of the pyramid for most trusted. It does not matter if one is left/right, blue/red, democrat/republican, if you want “just the facts ma’am”, AP News is the place to be.

I have never, however, even wondered how it gets funded. Well, now due to a friend, I know. It gets funded by us. Today I set up a recurring monthly donation. I’m good with reading/hearing opinion pieces, but with donations like this we can also have a source that gives us just the news.


If you’re not taking flak…


Don’t Let the Hard Days Win