I Ride For: Dan

I snuck in one more ride before I took off for a week. I really needed the stress relief. AND I wanted to send my support to Dan.

Dan and I have never met, but he found out he has Multiple Myeloma the way most of us do - broken bones in his back. Unlike mine, however, his were severe enough to need emergency back surgery. This turned into a wheel chair, physical therapy, and eventually walking again. Oh and by the way, “you have cancer”.

Today Dan is recovering from a Stem Cell transplant. This was not my path, but I read the book. By now the stem cells are starting to grow back and his body is going crazy. No immune system and millions of cells growing and pushing out all the crap that is in his marrow. Nothing tastes good and all his guests think he has been bathed in garlic. This lasts 2-4 weeks and then it is COVID style seclusion for a a couple months. Fun stuff!

While I have never spoken to Dan, I will go out on a limb and speak for both of us. If you have chronic back/hip pain that the doctors cannot really figure out, get a multiple myeloma blood test. It is easy, cheep, and pretty accurate. If you have an M-Spike score, you likely have Multiple Myeloma. This is way easier than years of therapy and a broken back.

The Road Rider

P.S. Dan, I wish you good luck and hard work. Yes there are things only science and God can accomplish, but you can help. Where your doctors approve, work your ass off. I guarantee your quality of life will improve.


I Ride For: Christine


I Ride For: Randy