Stories Worth Sharing
My son Ross and his wife Lauren gifted me a subscription to Storyworth, a digital platform to write, collect and share life stories. I like the format: one question emailed to me every week for a year—building a collection of stories, one at a time, without boiling the ocean.
I’m calling this blog Stories Worth Sharing, as it includes journals from the Storyworth prompts along with other stories that (let’s be honest!) just don’t fit anywhere else!
If you can think of question I should answer on here, send it my way!

Ships Arn’t Meant to Stay in the Harbor
Ships Arn’t Meant to Stay in the Harbor
In the last 4-5 months I have started to collect motivational t-shirts. Well, at least motivational to me. Since I am on a cruise ship, I thought this would be a good one to post first.

Fighting the Good Fight
Great news—all the results of my cancer restaging are coming back good, as we hoped and expected they would.
Not so great news—I picked up COVID, so my already fairly extensive medicine and supplement regiment just got a bit bigger.

A Cool Weekend
Jeri and I needed to get out and do something, so we went downtown Holland to check out ice sculptures. It was pretty “cool.” (get it? HA!)

I Would Drive 50,000 Miles
I just turned over 50,000 miles on my electric car after 3 years. Of all the cars I have ever had or driven in my life, this one has by far been my favorite. But is it better than gas powered cars?

Cheers! to Boston
Jeri and I are headed home after a good trip to Boston. The primary purpose was to check in with Dr. Richardson at Dana Farber. Things went well. We had time for a little bit of tourist stuff, so we walked to Cheers…and bought a t-shirt!

Die or Live: A Daily Choice?
We did choose to take control and live a little our last vacation night. We both ordered pizza - WITH CHEESE! It was great. We have no regrets. We will not be doing that again next weekend. Ha!

Hidden in Plain Sight
The blast doors where hidden in the walls that hundreds walked past every day for 30 years!

A Woman Like You
Most of the time we never know if the decisions we make are the right ones or the wrong ones. There is one that I knew was right a long time ago… That was finding a woman like Jeri.

2023 Wood Pile Finished!
It is selfish, but I cut wood for just the pure enjoyment of doing it. No one asked, cares, or benefits. Just Jeff “Selfish” Mulder.

Who are your favorite artists?
For me it is not about the artist or even the esthetics. I am only interested if it has a story.