I Ride For:
I’ve been riding my bike for decades.
I enjoy it. It’s good for my mental and physical health. I can do it alone, set goals, listen to music, be outside…lots of reasons. Around 10-12 years ago, I started riding with a flag on my bike for a specific purpose: safety. Never one to miss an opportunity to make something a twofer, I began writing the names of people battling cancer on the flags. Sometimes I know the person well, sometimes I don’t know them at all. I ride about 100 miles with their flag, dedicating that time to them.
I’ve lost count along the way, but last time checked I had done about 150 flags. That’s 150 too many. But I’ll keep riding, for both of us.
I Ride For:
I Ride For: Charmaine
Interesting set of connections on this flag. While I have never met Charmaine, I was clearly supposed to ride for her this week.
I Ride For: Betty
Another weird/interesting/God Nudge with this flag for Betty. When I got the call from her husband I had just finished the flag for
I Ride For: George
225 miles is what I did with George’s flag. Not too bad for a week. It helps that day 2 was my 102 mile ride last Saturday.
I Ride For: Greg
Greg, I did this one just for you from the very start of the day. I got up at 5:00am and was on the road by 5:30. I know how much you like to get up early.
I Ride For: Tad
I’ve been doing flags for years now. I usually ride for 100 miles with each flag, do a post like this, and then send
I Ride For: Sherri
As I rode today, Sherri is recovering from her first cancer surgery. While she recovers she needs to wait for the pathology report that will take 1-2 weeks.
I Ride For: Pam
This is NOT the beach where I expected to take this picture. My plan was to ride for a week or so while I was in Florida, take a picture with the Atlantic Ocean in the background,
I Ride For: Jenna
No! This jersey is not about me. Chubby I am. A unicorn I am not. This is one of my favorite jerseys AND I thought referencing this magical horse
I Ride For: Kathy
It is not always wind at my back, sunny, and downhill out here riding in mid-Michigan. There are times when there is always a head wind,
I Ride For: Lois
I have been riding for Lois for 6 weeks now. Why so long? I could say it is because I just have not had time to write a post
I Ride For: Kim
No, I am not done with the Great Cycle Challenge for 2021. And tomorrow I’ll be back with more appreciation rides and of course asking for money.
I Ride For: Kim
I got the request in October, but quit riding mid November. Got back on the road again last week.
I Ride For: Garrett
He did not expect to have cancer at 15. I thought it interesting that this is not the color green I expected ordering these flags.
I Ride For: Michael
These 150 miles were so easy. No rain, wind, snow, rude drivers, flats, or hills. Maybe the easiest miles I’ve ridden in years.
I Ride For: Bud
Usually ride in order that I get requests. Bud, however, is in hospice. That trumps all. Got a flat on this ride
I Ride For: David
Early morning ride. Rode away from dark clouds. When I turned around I saw this. David is fighting cancer
I Ride For: John
I’ve ridden for many survivors and fighters. John is right up there with the best of them. Not only did he relearn to walk after breaking his back in the late 80s
I Ride For: Jen
The Tour took a day off yesterday so I did today. Instead of riding for a contribution I rode for a young mom of 2 who is battling.
I Ride For: Shawn
My first flag of the year and it is for someone who has a long row to hoe. Shawn is currently going through 18 weeks of chemo and immunotherapy BEFORE she has surgery.
I Ride For: Evan
Veteran of Desert Storm. Homeless. Moved. Employment. Prostate Cancer. Evan has been through a lot of stuff.